Ola Nordmann
Customer Support
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Frequently Asked Questions
Yes! As a long-time breeder and dog lover, I have a lot of helpful advice to offer my clients. I provide assistance with caring for the new puppy and, later on, training, housebreaking, etc. I enjoy staying in touch with the new owners of my puppies.
Yes, your trusted French Bulldog puppy will come with a full health record of all vaccinations and deworming treatments it has received. We typically provide at least two vaccinations, including a direct parvo injection using Neopar, the best parvo vaccine available, and a combination shot. However, many veterinarians recommend that a puppy continue to receive regular booster shots until at least 4 months of age, so you will need to keep up with the vaccinations as advised by your vet, depending on the issues prevalent in your area. We also use a variety of different dewormers to control this issue in puppies, but remember that this is something that must be continued after purchasing your puppy. Most available dewormers only work on adult worms and leave larvae to reinfest the dog. Therefore, frequent deworming is crucial for your pet’s health.
Yes. Just write to me and mention it, and I can take care of it for you and send you all the documents to register your chip.
Yes, we use America’s Pet Registry or United All Breed Registry for our puppies, as well as AKC.
Yes, we now use an excellent professional service to transport our puppies nationwide, where they can get much better connections to make their journeys to their new homes much less stressful. These people do an excellent job taking care of the puppies during transport, as they are also breeders and know all about the care required for my puppies.
Airlines have a very good track record when it comes to handling puppies. They ship hundreds of puppies every week.